lauantai 14. tammikuuta 2017

Clothes make the man

I decided to write about one of my favorite topics, clothes. During Christmas and New Year there were sales in every shop and in some places the sales still continue. In my opinion clothes are quite expensive in Australia, even Forever 21 that's a cheap chain store pretty much everywhere else is expensive here. Only H&M stays loyal to its ”affordable fast fashion” image.

When I saw the typical price tag on clothes here I was really happy I didn't pack light. In too many stores you'll get nothing if you aren't prepared to pay around 100 dollars. I wore the same things for 6 months, a trying situation for any woman who loves clothes, and when the Christmas holiday came I lost control of my purse strings and deposited my Christmas bonus at H&M. Victoria's Secret had great sales, too, so some of the bonus ended up there. Underwear for only 8 dollars! I love Victoria's Secret.
The window need cleaning badly but once in my grown up life that's not my problem
Moving constantly is a challenge for me as I usually end up stocking my wardrobe too much in the mistaken belief that I'll stay in some place more than 6 months. When I moved from Poland to Ireland I there was a full Ikea bag and two small plastic bags full of clothes I couldn't take with me, so I donated them to charity. Hopefully they ended up in a good home. And now I'm in the same shitty situation, seeing that my suitcase is about to burst as the little miss couldn't help herself and ended up buying heaps of thing that were not needed in the first place. With increasing horror I'm waiting for my due date in March when I have to start the difficult selection process, which items will follow me home and which won't. At work I thought I could try to sell some of my used stuff. The idea was born when I noticed that some of the clothes I handle daily are in worse shape than the most worn things I own. Seriously, if there are more holes than material in a shirt, I think it's time to throw it away. But if people still wear the kind of stuff I'd be too embarrassed to confess I own, why not sell my own rags?  
BTW I love my job because it makes it easier to follow whats fashionable at the moment. Suddenly you notice that everyone's bought the same kind of shirts with bows on the sleeves from the same store, or same kind of kid's clothes with pom poms. And both of those are from hell from the ironing lady's point of view, so boycott them!

PS. I finally created an e-mail for my blog. Feel free to contact me if you have questions about/ comments on living in Australia, Ireland, Poland, South Korea or Finland. Let's chat! :)

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