maanantai 23. marraskuuta 2015

Occupation: rich

I was holidaying in Dublin about a month ago, considering my future and taking care of some errands. There, in the capital city of my new home country, I was sitting in a Starbucks, drinking my Christmas coffee (gingerbread latte) when a sudden thought struck me: I could actually include some posts about other topics than sight-seeing in my blog. At the same time, I thought of one of those other topics I'd like to write about: my future occupation.
Seeking inspiration in Temple Bar
Lately I have been extremely fed up with my own mediocrity. How is it even possible not to be good at anything or interested in nothing? A healthy person should have something in her life to be enthusiastic about. No wonder the days feel so gray and dull. What's the point of your life if everything is like Finnish summer: cold, short and gray? But then I just knew the one thing I'm good at, maybe even perfect. I would make a damn good rich.
In case I'll become rich today, I already figured out it might be a good idea to invest in arts and antiquity. These treasures can be found at National Museum. By the way, admissions free.
I wouldn't be mediocre at being rich. I could easily spend my days sitting on my ass on the peach-colored sofa in a nice living room, watching the sunset in Southern Europe through deadly expensive designer curtains. I could spend my days in shopping malls, causing my credit card to scream in pain purchasing Vuitton handbags and other girly must-haves. I could (if I'd like to) participate in charity events and dedicate my time for study of East Asian languages and cultures ( probably without any success whatsoever but it wouldn't matter as I would be rich).

My Mom always remember to remind her greedy offspring that money can't buy happiness. Of course it can't buy happiness, you silly, happiness is not a commodity. But dear reader, the more numbers you have on the account, the easier it is to survive. Think about it, seriously. Wouldn't it be nice if you didn't need to worry about rent and other living costs? If you didn't need to go to work everyday except if that's your hobby? Instead, you could have time to develop yourself and enjoy the life. Yeah, money won't bring happiness, it's only numbers on the account but the crude fact (that doesn't sit well in the protestant ideology and work ethic) is that the more numbers you have, the easier it is to survive in this capitalist world where almost everything has a price tag. Yeah.

In a park in Dublin

Ammatti: rikas

Olin tuossa vajaata kuukausi sitten lomalla Dublinissa pohdiskelemassa elämääni ja hoitamassa juoksevia asioita. Siinä Starbucksin kahvia juodessa tulin ajatelleeksi, että ensinnäkin voisin joskus kirjoittaa tässä blogissani muustakin kun nähtävyyksistä, eli tässä mennään. Toiseksi keksin aiheen, josta aion ensiksi kirjoittaa: tulevaisuuden ammattini.

Temple Barin alueella tarpoessa joutaa ajattelemaan tulevaisuutta
Viime aikoina olen ollut äärimmäisen kyllästynyt omaan keskinkertasuuteeni. Miten voi olla olemassa ihminen, joka ei oo hyvä juuri missään, ja jota ei kiinnosta juuri mikään? Missä on elämän tarkoitus, jos vain kahlaa päivästä toiseen harmaassa (henkisessä) loskasohjossa innostumatta juuri koskaan juuri mistään? Mutta sitten keksinkin, mikä minusta tulisi isona: rikas. 

Jos sattuu käymään niin, että äkkiä rikastun, niin alan sijoittaa antiikkiin ja muuhun sellaiseen. Tämä aarre löytyy kansallismuseosta. Huom, ilmainen sisäänpääsy
Se olis homma, jossa en todellakaan olisi keskinkertainen, vaan musta tulisi suorastaan hävyttömän hyvä rikas. Voisin istua kaikki päivät perseelläni aprikoosin värisellä kotisohvalla ja katsella vaaleiden sifonkiverhojen läpi Välimeren auringonlaskua. Voisin kuluttaa päiväni ostoskeskuksessa vinguttamassa luottokorttia ja hankkia vaatehuoneen täyteen Vuittonin käsilaukkuja ja kaikkea muuta, mitä nainen tarvitsee. Voisin (harkinnan mukaan) osallistua hyväntekeväisyystempauksiin ja omistautua itä-aasialaisten kielten opiskelulle (todennäköisesti ilman tulosta, mutta sehän ei haittaisi, kun olisin rikas).

Äiti aina muistaa muistuttaa, että raha ei tee onnelliseksi, mutta jotenkin en ole koskaan vakuuttunut tästä aiheesta. Miten niin ei muka tee onnelliseksi? Mieti nyt hyvä lukija itse, ettei koskaan tarvitsisi murehtia vuokrasta, puhelinlaskusta, sähköstä, vedestä jne, ei koskaan tarvitsisi käydä töissä, paitsi harrastuspohjalta, ja mikä parasta, voisi matkustaa ja omistautua itsensä kehittämiselle. Niin että eihän se raha tee onnelliseksi, sehän on vaan numeroita pankkitilillä, mutta jos siellä pankkitilillä on paljon numerota, niin kyllähän tuo jonkun verran helpottaa arkipäivästä selviämistä. Niin. 

Puistossa Dublinissa

maanantai 16. marraskuuta 2015

Blarney Castle

In order to prevent Monday depression, the evil, from attacking already on Sunday it's a brilliant idea to make a day trip to a neighboring town. You'll feel like you're on a holiday and holiday makers are well known for being less stressed than their working fellow creatures. Some time ago we decided to visit Blarney Castle, which is known for the Blarney stone. The rumor has it that if you kiss the stone you will be given the gift of eloquence. But because such gifts are not fore the scaredy-cats or those with a weak spirit, the stone is placed at the very top of the castle on the wall so that you'll need to lie down on your back and lean over a gap in order to accomplish the task. So no thanks, I don't mind about the gist of speech that much, I'm perfectly happy just writing my thoughts here.

The castle itself is in quite a shameful condition, only a skeleton of a castle has survived the times and because in Ireland we are not in the habit of building anything new (and I plan to write another critical post about the housing situation and financing construction of apartments in Ireland, so keep following this site), nothing has been done to better preserve this particular piece of history.
Blarney Castle
The castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens, druids' coves and there's even a witch's kitchen and stairs that will grant your wish, certain terms and conditions being accepted and met. Standing in a druid's circle you'll be safe from the evil spirits for a while. There's much to explore, so be sure to book a whole day in your calendar for Blarney. These crazy Finnish immigrants spent hours walking in the forest and taking photos of impressive trees (yes, trees, as we don't have forests and trees in Finland :D ) Anyway, in Finland you hardly ever see a palm-like fern or massive trees imported from North America, so Blarney garden was an exotic experience for us.
Flowing water has a good feng shui
Next to the castle there's the best tourist attraction ever called the poison garden. At least I felt an instant relief thinking about the plant that could possible solve all my problems in no time at all. In poison garden you can make friends with everyone's favorite, marijuana, poison ivy or foxglove. Poison ivy and marijuana had been isolated in their own little cages as they are generally seen not suitable to be a part of the society but foxglove was allowed to freely grow on its own little flowerbed. Just pick a couple of leaves and cook your own medicine.
All time favorite
Marijuana in a prison
Poison ivy can cause a nasty rash..