perjantai 10. maaliskuuta 2017


Hello everybody. I haven't been writing anything because I'm still suffering from the longest eye flu in human history. On Tuesday I will go to the eye hospital the umpteenth time to show them my shit eye and they'll probably tell me again that it's a virus and it will take another 2-3 weeks to get better. Soon I'll have the first anniversary with the virus. I have already assumed a permanently disabled person's identity. The doctors know me by name and looks and the last time I went to the hospital the doctor asked me if I like the place because I go there so often. Oh yes, I love it. I love to have my eye lid turned inside out, love to have the eye poked with sticks and rods, measured with all kind of nasty equipment and finally, enjoy having a stinging substance that feels like it has the corrosive side effect of sodium hydroxide poured into the eye.

This weekend I mean to be productive and finally book my flight to Vietnam. Hostel life has had another downturn cause we just got the shittiest roommates ever. Seriously, I have been travelling almost a year now and only had real asshole of a roommates once. This couple is like living with god damn rabbits. They do all the time what rabbits a re famous for, not giving a flying fuck (ha hah ha) about who is in the room. You would assume that grown up people have some sense of what is appropriate in what situation but these people are unfortunately completely retarded and don't get many other things either. It's a disgusting feeling to come home from the grocery store and notice that the room has been transformed into a second rate porn movie scene and you walk in on it. Where is all the respect towards other people, huh? No wonder my eye doesn't get better, seeing traumatizing things like that. White trash, hey! 

Finally, we have entered the great lent before Easter. Actually, it started some time ago. The idea is to stop eating meat, dairy, eggs, etc (fish is accepted), candy, chips etc. All in all, the idea is to lead a bit more humble life. I did my first fasting 3 years ago because I wanted to connect with my roots. My great-grandparents fasted every year. I liked the idea because in today's world people consume too much meat and dairy. Blood pressure rises, blood vessels are stuffed with fat and the heart is doing poorly. The first year I fasted I felt the difference in my body very sharply. I felt more energized, in a way more ”bright”. This year the change is not so dramatic because I've been a part-time vegetarian for months now. I only have to skip my evening yogurt (and candy). I keep forgetting I am supposed to fat now but luckily no lapses have happened yet.

OK; that's all. Sorry for possible spelling mistakes, as I said, the eye is not doing good Working on computer is difficult. Let's get back to the business if the eye ever gets better.  

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