Paying your bills. It's easy, just log in to your online bank, enter payment details and accept. My credit card bill is electronic, no need to enter payment details, I just need to accept the bill. Still, I have managed to avoid this simple task for a week and because the due date is in June I can imagine this particular bill will cause me stress for weeks to come.
My poor luggage, they always say it's too fat |
We applied for a volunteer work up there in the north near Sunshine Coast. Hopefully we'll get a positive response. Working for accommodation and food is fine, we could save quite a lot of money that way. It would be nice to move out of the hostel, too. This is more like an employment agency than a hostel. Everyone's just sitting here on the balcony with a laptop, dramatically sighing. Just the kind of circumstances I wanted to leave behind for a while.
The task of the day is to finally get the prepaid. I guess I'll just bin my Aldi SIM card and go visit Vodafone etc. Aldi SIM is still in its inactive status as I don't have any Australian ID with which I could have it activated. Other companies apparently only need to see my passport. Hopefully I will soon be able to give you my new Australian number. Cheers!
"Not happy with the prepaid"- face |
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