Greetings from Australia, finally we have embarked on this journey! I haven't even talked much about the approaching working holiday as until the night before our flight it still felt like a dream, not like something an ordinary person can do. Business students like me do not go that far, to exotic places like Australia. Business students are supposed to stay at home and work their ass off in order to keep good old capitalism going and consumers happy. But now it's true. This ordinary girl decided to go to Australia and try what a life outside of CV feels like. Why? The answer can be found below the picture.
Summer in the middle of winter! |
First of all, it took me 18 years to educate myself and then I started working immediately after school. It left me feeling quite unhappy with my life. I was scared I'm going to retire after 40 years of boring jobs and regret that I never did anything just for myself, but only worked too hard to built my CV. If you know the feeling, you'll understand me even through this incomplete explanation. If not, don't even bother to try, you'll only have a headache and I don't want to feel responsible for that.
So me and my ex co-worker from my previous job decided apply for a working holiday visa and go traveling in Australia. Just a thing or two about money then. I must confess had I known I'll need to burn approximately 1600 euros before I'll be able to see Australia, I would have hesitated more. First of all I had to pay around 300 euros for the visa, then another 300 for medical examination (I've been living in South Korea where there is higher risk to contract tuberculosis than in Finland), then 556 euros for a flight via Paris and Hong Kong and finally 450 euros for traveler's insurance. But luckily I didn't know and didn't get depressed beforehand. Plus living here is more expensive than in Finland. Hooray for human stupidity! :)
Spiders think this is a nice plant, too |
The flight took 31 hours and already in Paris me and Anna were so tired we decided we will never select another holiday destination that's so far away from home. We almost forgot this journey is based on our own free will to go and explore, no one has forced us to sit 31 hours in 3 different airports and 3 different planes, When we arrived at Brisbane we were already feeling more positive and could have continued to Hawaii if offered the opportunity :)
The hostel we booked for the first night was quite OK but the place we are staying at at the moment is terrible. The lady at the reception kept yelling at us and throwing her calculator at the desk when we didn't understand something, If we asked her to repeat her message she just kept snorting and with uttermost reluctance repeated whatever she had to say. Nice example of perfect customer service, right? The price level. however, is suitable and we get free rice and wifi. Everything free suits our budget better than well.
This is not the great barrier reef but a plastic model at a museum |
We haven't seen or done that much here in Oz yet but at least we got the tax file number ordered already. Next week there'll be enough time to worry about official things like opening a bank account and ordering medi care card, this weekend we will just enjoy our newly found freedom!
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