I hated challenge number 2 from the beginning. I don't want to go on a date cause it's just waste of time and I don't have that much free time. I will consider dating when I feel like hearing comments like "you are wearing a really ugly shirt" or "I have better things to do than hang out with you" again. For the time being I am happy as long as I am the only one criticizing myself and believe me, I do that more often than necessary. (OK, my writing might not always give that impression but oh well..) It must be added, I am the only person who has the right to criticize me. My life choices and my clothes are no one else's business. (Trauma, trauma)
Well, to be honest I would not make a nice date anyway. I am extremely prickly and my motivation to pretend I am nice and funny is zero. So it's a win-win if I just don't go on that damn date.
I was sure I was going to fail this challenge, because there is no way I will go on a date. So, we had to bend the rules a bit. It was agreed that I could just go out with a friend. Needless to say I chose to go out with a friend from school, a female friend. A friend of hers also joined us for a beer on a rooftop and together we watched the sunset and talked about life. Prague looked spectacular that night.
After finishing the beer we headed for a dinner in an Italian restaurant. Pizza was delicious. It was easy to find topics to talk about and nobody ruined my good mood for me. A perfect "date".
I will not go on a date n the future either. Girl, stay away from men, stay happy.
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